Valuables: Avoiding the “Big Failures”

By |2023-07-28T10:35:43-04:00March 14th, 2016|Uncategorized, Valuables|

March 2016
Time and personal energy are important and limited resources. We are wise to protect them.


“We didn’t lose the game, we just ran out of time”

– Vince Lombardi

The Truth about Achievement

In his quote above, Vince Lombardi strikes at the heart of one of the most significant truths about how to live a great quality of life, and to maximize our best achievements. Time is truly the most valuable and limited resource we all possess on earth, and we all have a choice about how we will spend the time we are allotted. If we choose to use our time wisely, we will be rewarded with a happy and fulfilling life, but if we waste this resource, we will miss an enormous opportunity to live well, and achieve our most important goals.

Failing at the Important things

Because time and personal energy are such important and limited resources, we are wise to protect them, and to pay close attention to how we handle our limited supplies. If we waste them on activities that do not support our most important goals and achievements, we risk “Systematic Failure” in our lives, and may end up with the frustrating feeling that we are never able to “get around to” our most significant accomplishments. This month we wish to share an article we found valuable, about how we often risk misuse of our time and energy.

When You Should Worry About Failure,
and When You Shouldn’t


We hope that this insightful article will help you to better understand how “Systematic Failure” can be an enemy of a high quality life, and that you may be inspired to develop great new habits in your life!

By |2023-07-28T10:35:43-04:00March 14th, 2016|Uncategorized, Valuables|

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